Hey, it’s Alexandra

A digital & visual creative offering a range of services across art direction, photo, social media and graphic design.

In my work, creativity and imagination are not just important — they’re essential. Whether through photography, graphics, or content strategy planning, I consistently leverage these qualities to bring ideas to life.

At Stance Studio, I specialize in graphic design and the development of compelling visual content. My mission is to support small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in enhancing their visual presentations.

In the realm of content marketing, I’ve navigated through diverse roles. Even within a single position, I’ve served as a content strategist, social media specialist, idea maker, copywriter, photographer, and graphic designer. While it’s often been challenging, I’m grateful for the journey. It’s led me through numerous impactful projects with clients, enriched my understanding across various domains, and provided me with multiple perspectives that now inform my approach to projects in a more holistic manner. However, I’ve also encountered negative experiences with agencies that exploit my versatility. It became evident that I needed to assert myself in this arena and define my preferred direction. During my latest collaboration, I finally crystallized my vision for content creation, aiming for greater efficiency and significance — for both myself and my clients.

And so, this humble creative sanctuary of mine came into being — a place where I can wholeheartedly devote myself to what resonates with me the most in this vast realm: visual communication. Here, I assist brands in crafting distinctive identities through imaginative photography and graphics, providing them with a distinct voice and seeking solutions that surpass client expectations through a fusion of intellect and creativity.


Love my work? Stay connected on Instagram or LinkedIn for more updates. If you’re interested in collaborating, feel free to reach out via email.

Hey, it’s Alexandra

A digital & visual creative offering a range of services across art direction, photo, social media and graphic design.

In my work, creativity and imagination are not just important — they’re essential. Whether through photography, graphics, or content strategy planning, I consistently leverage these qualities to bring ideas to life.

I will come up with a creative concept for your visual communication

At Stance Studio, I specialize in graphic design and the development of compelling visual content. My mission is to support small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in enhancing their visual presentations.

In the realm of content marketing, I’ve navigated through diverse roles. Even within a single position, I’ve served as a content strategist, social media specialist, idea maker, copywriter, photographer, and graphic designer. While it’s often been challenging, I’m grateful for the journey. It’s led me through numerous impactful projects with clients, enriched my understanding across various domains, and provided me with multiple perspectives that now inform my approach to projects in a more holistic manner. However, I’ve also encountered negative experiences with agencies that exploit my versatility. It became evident that I needed to assert myself in this arena and define my preferred direction. During my latest collaboration, I finally crystallized my vision for content creation, aiming for greater efficiency and significance — for both myself and my clients.

And so, this humble creative sanctuary of mine came into being — a place where I can wholeheartedly devote myself to what resonates with me the most in this vast realm: visual communication. Here, I assist brands in crafting distinctive identities through imaginative photography and graphics, providing them with a distinct voice and seeking solutions that surpass client expectations through a fusion of intellect and creativity.


Love my work? Stay connected on Instagram or LinkedIn for more updates. If you’re interested in collaborating, feel free to reach out via email.

Hey, it’s Alexandra

A digital & visual creative offering a range of services across art direction, photo, social media and graphic design.

In my work, creativity and imagination are not just important — they’re essential. Whether through photography, graphics, or content strategy planning, I consistently leverage these qualities to bring ideas to life.

I will come up with a creative concept for your visual communication

At Stance Studio, I specialize in graphic design and the development of compelling visual content. My mission is to support small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in enhancing their visual presentations.

In the realm of content marketing, I’ve navigated through diverse roles. Even within a single position, I’ve served as a content strategist, social media specialist, idea maker, copywriter, photographer, and graphic designer. While it’s often been challenging, I’m grateful for the journey. It’s led me through numerous impactful projects with clients, enriched my understanding across various domains, and provided me with multiple perspectives that now inform my approach to projects in a more holistic manner.

However, I’ve also encountered negative experiences with agencies that exploit my versatility. It became evident that I needed to assert myself in this arena and define my preferred direction. During my latest collaboration, I finally crystallized my vision for content creation, aiming for greater efficiency and significance — for both myself and my clients.

And so, this humble creative sanctuary of mine came into being — a place where I can wholeheartedly devote myself to what resonates with me the most in this vast realm: visual communication. Here, I assist brands in crafting distinctive identities through imaginative photography and graphics, providing them with a distinct voice and seeking solutions that surpass client expectations through a fusion of intellect and creativity.

Love my work? Stay connected on Instagram or LinkedIn for more updates. If you’re interested in collaborating, feel free to reach out via email.

Mgr. Alexandra Štancelová

Definovat se pro mě není úplně snadné, ale slovo kreativec dokáže pojmout vše, co mě baví.

Jsem nezávislý kreativní freelancer působící v Liberci a Praze.

Obdivuji všechno krásné a estetické, a své místo jsem si tak naašla ve světě sociálních sítí a grafickém designu. Zkušenosti jsem sbírala pod křídly firem a reklamích agentur, vždy jsem si ale přála tvořit víc „sama za sebe“, a dala tak vzniknout místu, kde mohu svou tvorbu sdílet a nabízet, co umím. A tak vznikl tenhle můj malý internetový prostor a brand, který ponese mé jméno, přesvědčení a hodnoty.

Mou motivací je touha tvořit, realizovat neotřelé nápady a především uspokojovat přání a představy, které o svém podnikání máte. Chci vás poznat, sdílet váš zápal pro váš byznys a vaše služby nebo výrobky, zjistit, co si přejete a potřebujete, a společně najít řešení, které spojením inteligence a kreativity předčí vaše očekávání.

Jmenuji se Alexandra Štancelová a působím jako kreativní freelancer. Tvořím vizuální obsah od konceptu přes realizaci až po postprodukci.

Ve světě obsahového marketingu jsem zastávala nejrůznější pozice. Protože ale odmala obdivuji všechno krásné a estetické, tak jsem si své místo našla ve světě tvorbě vizuálního obsahu. Doposud jsem pracovala za jmény agentur a firem, už roky jsem si ale přála tvořit „sama za sebe“, opustila jsem jistoty a dala vzniknout místu, kde mohu být víc kým chci a kým chci být i pro vás. A tak vzniklo tohle moje malé online „studio“ a brand, který ponese mé jméno, přesvědčení a hodnoty.

Mou motivací je touha tvořit, realizovat neotřelé nápady a především uspokojovat přání a představy, které o svém podnikání máte. Chci vás poznat, sdílet váš zápal pro váš byznys a vaše služby nebo výrobky, zjistit, co si nejen přejete, ale co také opravdu potřebujete, a společně najít řešení, které spojením inteligence a kreativity předčí vaše očekávání.